US Granted
US Granted
- US 10078796 B2 20180918 Apparatus and method Hand Gesture Recognition based on depth image
- US 09412157 B2 20160809 Apparatus and method for high speed filtering of image for high precision
- US 09378583 B2 20160628 Apparatus and method for bidirectionally inpainting occlusion area based on predicted volume
- US 09369696 B2 20160614 Image processing apparatus and method
- US 09258548 B2 20160209 Apparatus and method for generating depth image
- US 09135521 B2 20150915 Image processing apparatus and method for determining the integral image
- US 09105082 B2 20150811 Filtering apparatus and method for high precision restoration of depth image
- US 09013482 B2 20150421 Mesh generating apparatus, method and computer-readable medium, and image processing apparatus, method and computer-readable medium
- US 08885920 B2 20141111 Image processing apparatus and method
- US 08810602 B2 20140819 Image processing apparatus, medium, and method
- US 08803950 B2 20140812 Three-dimensional face capturing apparatus and method and computer-readable medium thereof
- US 08717414 B2 20140715 Method and apparatus for matching color image and depth image
- US 08781161 B2 20140715 Image processing method and apparatus for generating a 3D model of a target object
- US 08781256 B2 20140715 Method to match color image and depth image using feature points
- US 08766977 B2 20140701 Apparatus and method for generating skeleton model using motion data and image data
- US 08750600 B2 20140610 Apparatus and method for generating three-dimensional (3D) zoom image of stereo camera
- US 08744177 B2 20140603 Image processing method and medium to extract a building region from an image
- US 08744167 B2 20140603 Method, medium, and apparatus of filtering depth noise using depth information
- US 08577089 B2 20131105 Apparatus and method for depth unfolding based on multiple depth images
- US 08537155 B2 20130917 Image processing apparatus and method
- US 08395824 B2 20130312 Method for determining ground line
- US 08355568 B2 20130115 Image processing apparatus, method and computer-readable medium
- US 08305377 B2 20121106 Image processing method
- US 08218893 B2 20120710 Image inpainting method and apparatus based on viewpoint change
- US 07412115 B2 20080812 Image processing device and method thereof